At Locust Grove, we believe in the importance of singing together, and in the value of blending multiple styles of worship music. Music for worship is led by our Choir and Praise Band, with a focus on music that inspires, reinforces the message, and invites the congregation to join in singing.

Locust Grove has a rich history of excellent choral music. We work to continue that tradition both by presenting inspirational choral anthems and special choir performances, as well as by leading congregational singing each Sunday during worship. The choir rehearses each Wednesday night at 6:30pm, and is open to anyone who loves to sing and wants to make music with us.
Praise Band
Our praise band is a dedicated group of talented singers and instrumentalists that leads a blend of the latest praise songs and familiar favorites in worship each Sunday. We are always looking for singers and players with a passion for worship music to join our group. If you are interested, contact Music Minster Jordan Lawson at
Children’s Choir
Our children’s choirs are staffed by talented creative leaders who are committed to sharing God’s love with every child as we model for them the praise and worship of God through His gift of music. Your child will learn basics of music including movement, instruments, singing skills, scripture, bible stories and music fundamentals. Currently, we provide a seasonal choir program for children that revolves around special Christmas and Easter presentations. Our children’s choir rehearsals are at 6:30 PM on Wednesday evenings leading up to Easter and Christmas performances.

Tech Team
At Locust Grove, worship is one of our top ministry priorities. Our technology volunteers are key in providing our members and guests with a rich, meaningful worship experience. Tech volunteers are responsible for managing sound, lights, and worship media, in addition to running our live worship streams.
The goal of the staff and volunteers within the Media Ministry is to make their time and efforts as invisible to worshipers as possible. We are grateful for their selfless commitment and hard work.
No experience is necessary to join the tech team.
I joined the choir at the beginning of January 2019. Singing at the top of my voice, knowing that whilst I’m enjoying myself I’m contributing to a most worthwhile cause and making new friends with others who inspire me, is fantastic!
Don’t hesitate, come and join our friendly group!