Our Core Values
We value spirit empowered preaching and teaching as the primary catalyst for the transformation in the lives of individuals and the church. Romans 10:14-15 and Romans 12
We value the diversity of the body of Christ. We recognize and respect our differences and find our unity as a body in Christ. Romans 12:3-5
We value the spiritual gift of love and recognize love as the most important gift. We believe that love should permeate every aspect of church life and ministry. Matthew 22:36-40, I Corinthians 13
We value the gift of leadership and believe that churches should be led by men and women with leadership gifts. Romans 12:8, Acts 6:2-5
We value our Baptist heritage as a part of the larger family of God and strive to live out our Baptist distinctives with conviction and integrity. Galatians 5:1
We value each person as one created and loved by God. We believe people are important and strive to reach out and share Christ in love. This approach respects the value and uniqueness of each person and seeks to build a relationship that reaches out in love and integrity. Luke 15
We value spiritual growth that leads to fully devoted followers. Philippians 2:1-11
We value the spiritual giftedness of each believer and recognize that each one of us has responsibility to use his/her gift in ways that build each other up and strengthens the church. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
We value small groups as essential for relationship building, ministry and spiritual development. Luke 6:12-13, Acts 2:44-47
We value excellence that honors God and inspires people. Colossians 3:23
What we Believe
The Bible
Church Autonomy
Saved by Grace
Church and State

Pastor`s Word
Greetings and welcome to the web site for Locust Grove Baptist Church. We are delighted that you have chosen to visit our web site. It is our hope that you will join us either in person or online for worship on Sunday and discover the love and encouragement of Christ.
This is a great community in which to live and raise a family. There is so much to discover in this community. This part of Madison County is rich in history. The natural beauty of the mountains and streams help make this the best place in Madison County to live.
Locust Grove was started in 1867 and has seen many changes over the years. We are no longer in the open country; we find ourselves on the rural-urban fringe. Houses and stores are being built where cotton once grew. We have learned to adapt and embrace these new opportunities of growth and ministry.
Many people are surprised to discover a church this size offering such a range of ministries on the rural-urban fringe. We are the longest established Baptist church in this community and yet in many ways we are still emerging. We are a loving and grace-filled church. Hopefully what you will discover about Locust Grove is its greatest asset – its people. May you discover a genuine sense of community, encouragement, and hope. You may also discover that Locust Grove is a place to call home and a people to call family.
Let me invite you to be our guest this Sunday at 10:30 AM for worship. We hope to see you then.