By Grace
By Grace meets in the Christian Life Center in room 101. This class is led by Jim Solomon and Penny Brink.
Campbell LifeGroup
This is a co-ed group that uses LifeWay’s Explore the Bible literature series. Pete Campbell and Joel Lewis lead this class. This class meets in Room 102.
Prestage LifeGroup
This co-ed class is currently studying Matthew: The Gospel of Identity by Michael Card. Niles Prestige
teaches this class and it meets in the Christian Life Center in the gym.
Joy Class
The Joy Class is a women’s class that uses LifeWay’s Explore the Bible literature series. This class meets in the Fellowship Hall Classroom and is led by Judy Prestage.
Pillsbury LifeGroup
This is a co-ed group led by Jim Pillsbury. This class meets in the Christian Life Center in Room 204.
Short-Term Studies
This is a co-ed group that meets in the Chapel and is led by our pastor, Robby White and John Harchanko.